The Lion Guard Wiki
The Lion Guard Wiki
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The-Traveling-Baboon-Show (74)
The-traveling-baboon-show (69)
During The Traveling Baboon Show, Twiga switches out for another giraffe for the majority of the show.

Similarly, Bupu is switched out for another sable antelope for the majority of the show. And Boboka's Son has two model right to Ma Tembo and Buffalo.

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During The Traveling Baboon Show, Thurston is briefly switched out for another zebra during a close up with Ma Tembo.
Right after The Traveling Baboon, Uroho's right leg merges through the vine he's hanging from.
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After the Guard hear a cry for help from Ma Tembo, they race off towards them. When Fuli rushes past Beshte, his Mark of the Guard disappears.
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The-traveling-baboon-show (332)
When Ono flies in to inform the Guard who the thieves are, the Lion Guard stand next to a sable antelope. In the next scene, they are standing next to a zebra.
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During the second show, there are no buffaloes in the audience. Vuruga Vuruga appears in one close up, but when the full shot is shown again, there aren't any buffaloes anywhere.
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When Ono spies on Mwevi and Mwizi, the rest of the guard disappears from the audiences. In the next scene they appear again.